
Brainstorming is like freewriting around a specific topic. It helps you bring your subconscious thoughts into consciousness, identifying as many ideas as possible that are related to a particular topic.

To brainstorm, let your thoughts about a specific topic flow, and list those thoughts.

* Example:


§  How to get them out of the garden

§  How to get rid of them ethically (without killing)

§  Squirrel traps

§  Repellents for squirrels

§  Types of squirrels

§  Brown vs. black vs. red squirrels

§  Flying squirrels

§  What they eat

§  Different types of play

§  Training squirrels

§  Hunting squirrels

§  Squirrels and cats

§  How they nest

§  Build nests in the same place each year


So, what happens once you’ve brainstormed a topic? Look over the list. Are there items that group together? Are there items that catch your interest as a thinker, researcher, and writer—items you want to know more about? Are there items that seem unrelated or not useful? Use your list as a starting place; it creates ideas for you, as a writer, to work with.